Abdul-Rahim's Photo

Shakespear1 is the pen name of Abdur-Rahim Khalil. He writes, "My parents gave me another name when I was born. A name I have chosen to relinguish, not because of any misdeed on their part, but because they were ignorant of my true name and my true heritage. They were ignorant of my heritage because they had no knowledge of their own heritage, along with millions of blacks brought to the wilderness of North America. I was born on September 10th., in 1941, at Freedmans Hospital, which has been renamed Howard Hospital. When I was about 4, my parents divorced and I moved to New York with my father. When I was six, my father remarried. I moved back to Washington 36 years later, which is where I live now. I was married and I am a father to seven children, my youngest being three years old. Her name is DESTINY MICHELLE KHALIL. I have always had the desire to write and have written, but I have always been too lazy to persist. This is a final opportunity for me to get to work and with your help maybe I can release the writer in me."

You can contact Mr. Khalil via e-mail at or by sending an e-mail to TimBookTu and it will be forwarded.

Works on TimBookTu by Shakespear1


The Tall Man And The Preacher

Poetry and Free Verse

A Collection Of Styles
A Day In The Life of An Abused Child
A Man Isn't If He Isn't
A Message To My Brother With Love
A Love Story
A Wild Trip
Back In The Day
Black Boy Lost
Black is the Color of My True Love
Can't Stop Loving You (Chandracimone Challenge)
Chandra-Cimone -(Acrostic)
Dead Heroes
For My Angel
For My Sister in God
Free Your Mind
Gotta Make This Poem Cry
How To Displace Without Disgrace
I Hate That Word: B I T C H !!!
King Of Fools
Lessons From Mother (An Honorariam)
Let Go And Let God
My Baby Daddy
No Title, Just A Passing Thought
Peace of Mind
Read The Signs
Sorry, Not Politically Correct
The Rapist (Mildly Erotic)
The Science of Numbers
The Womb of Mind
To Be A Child Again
Total Triple Darkness
To Whom All Praise Is Due
Untitled (Adult Content)
What If Today Were My Last
What Makes A Great Man?
Who's The Daddy?
Why I Write

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