What Makes A Great Man?

by Shakespear1

Malcolm X- Martin Luther King- Muhammad Ali

What makes 
a Great man 

Is He predetermined 
by Destiny or Fate,

or does He consist, 
of the will to resist,

life's temptatations 
and snares?


belongs to
the one
who dares,

to challenge 
the idea of defeat.
His past mistakes,
he will not repeat.

He sets a mark
to meet his goals
and when under duress
he never folds.

He treats others, 
as he would be treated
and, though he is mighty
he never becomes conceited.

He is quick to give a hand
to his fellow man.
In the face of injustice,
he takes a stand.

He treats His woman
with the respect,
she was created 
and formed to expect.

He guides
and protects
but he
never neglects.

His footsteps
are ordered by his Lord.
He makes no debts
he can't afford.

He gives God the Glory
which is His due
And he gives honor
to his country too.

Great men are MADE!
Moulded to God's desire.
Tried and tested,
purified by fire.

He becomes the image 
of his Creator.
Of Whom, there is
none Greater!


This is a tribute to great men of History 
and of the present day." 

What Makes A Great Man? by Shakespear1

© Copyright 2006. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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