Dedicated To The American Indians, and The Afro American
I wander in confusion
mind needing a transfusion
living in the fantasy
of another's reality
in a personality, not my own.
My beginning, to me,not known
I wanna go home
where I'd be free to roam.
Tame the lion and the bear,
run naked without a care,
feel the African winds.
Gaze at the world through a different lens
I wanna be me again!
I wanna be free again!
I wanna live off the land
build my house with my own hand
I wanna hunt in the high grass
go fishing, catch my own bass.
I wanna raise my cattle,
come triumphantly home from battle,
sit among the wise men of the community,
smoke the peace pipe of unity.
I wanna dance by the fires at night
Laugh with my sisters who sing in delight
I wanna be me again!
I need to be free again!
Will I ever become me?
Will I ever be free?
Or am I destined forever to
wander in confusion,
suffering this delusion
we call