Gotta Make This Poem Cry

by Shakespear1

Gotta Make This Poem Cry

(Excerpt from a song by JAY-Z) 
"I can't see no tears coming out my eyes,
So I gotta make this song cry."
Can't see no tears
Coming down my face
Gotta make this poem
take their place

You played by the rule
I played the fool
Your love I lost
Now I pay the cost

I broke your heart
tore it apart
gave you no slack 
used it, abused it
and tossed it back

In your eyes, I see a tear
Deep down inside, 
I feel it right here

I know one day
I must repay
the debt I owe
for treating you so

I know I was wrong
that's why,
I sing this song
foolish pride is why
I haven't cried

But, I can't see tears 
coming down my face
So, I gotta make this poem 
take their place

Gotta Make This Poem Cry by Shakespear1

© Copyright 2006. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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