Darrell Collins
Darrell's Photo

Darrell Collins has been writing contemporary African American poetry for about 30 years. His work is based on the experiences, relationships, history, culture, and plight of African Americans from the late 20th century into the early 21st. He was born in Los Angeles, spent 13 years living in New Orleans (Pre-Katrina), and now resides in the Washington, D.C. area. He says, "The purpose behind this work is to pass along to our young brothers and sisters the actual facts of what they already think they know (the Each 1 Teach 1 approach)."

You can contact Mr. Collins via e-mail at productofthepeople@live.com or by sending an e-mail to TimBookTu and it will be forwarded.

Works on TimBookTu by Darrell Collins


Gangsta Supreme
Haitian Divorce


All Revved Up
A Soul Exposed
As Real As It Gets
Daddy's Prize
Dare To Be Different
Double The Odds
Even In Death You Have My Respect
Father's Blood And Mother's Love
Feet & Hands
From The Inside
From Where I'm Standing
Fuh Da Honnies
Gangsta To The Grave
Hostile Takeover
Iggasms Galore
Imagine If
Just Say When?
Lesson in "X" Cellence
Love Don't Sweat
Looking Forward
Love Is...
Much More Than The Beauty
Old New Orleans
Ooh, Yeah, Daddy!
Parts Unknown
Poets Don't Parse
Police Me Not
Product of the People
Purple Clouds of Joy
Putting You On
Saving Our Sons
She Is...
Show Me You Like It
Speak Street
Taking It Back
The "G" Spot
The Hunger
The Root
They Are Sick...
Trilateral Commission
Ultimate Joy
Ungodly Gorgeous
Welcome to the Party
What Parents Should Say
While We Were Sleeping
Willie Lynch Lives
You See Nothing Sinister
Zeros and Ones

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