All Revved Up

by Darrell Collins

I'm all revved up.
I'm on a roll.
I'm on a mission.
I have a goal.
I'm taking nothing for granted.
I'm putting it in effect.
I'm reaching for things,
I've been undable to get
I'm all revved up.
The adrenalin's pumping.
I'm going to show that I,
was here for something.
I plan to leave a mark,
to prove I was here.
I saw in a dream,
that there is nothing to fear.
And so, I'm all revved up,
to take it on the chin.
Once they think I'm down,
I'm bouncing back, again.
I'm all revved up.
I'm in control.
Now I have a duty, 
to accomplish my goals.

All Revved Up by Darrell Collins

© Copyright 1992. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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