Double The Odds

by Darrell Collins

I survived being a black man from 17 to 24.
Shoved in a wedge before they could shut the door.
I have put in work by obtaining my degree.
I have doubled the odds by living to be 53.  

The deck was stacked against me making it this far.
How I made it through is waking up prepared for war.
I was a devoted soldier with my rifle and rucksack.
I didn't play second fiddle just because I was black. 

I stood my ground in situations, and developed my intellect.
I gave a certain look that said, I deserve respect.
These are my hand-me-downs to any Young'un who will listen.
The secrets of the trade to not end up ignorant, dead, or missing.

Double The Odds by Darrell Collins

© Copyright 2014. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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