
by Darrell Collins

A hypothetical situation could go just like this.
Ebola engulfs New York through an innocent kiss.
Young, adolescents thinking they are in love.
Then, New York will never be the way it was.

Just like that!  It could spread to Washington, D.C.
Whatever those doctors got, won’t be given to me.
I could here leave with fever and diarrhea.
Just like the many, dead souls in Liberia.

Hypothetical situations should be thought through.
Know if Emergency Management really includes you.
Being from N’awlinz I’ve actually seen it before.
Katrina “Refugees” showing up at my door.

Whether it be in Africa or on the Gulf Coast.
People of Color have truly suffered the most.
Call it hypothetical or just the uncut facts.
The cure for Ebola will be given to us last.

Hypothetical by Darrell Collins

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