This one is for a brother that I have never met.
But, from everything I’ve heard, he was as real as it gets.
His core was centered, and he showed everyone love.
That’s why God saw fit to take him away from us.
He gave from the heart, expecting nothing in return.
He gave us all a few moments we shall forever yearn.
If you have never met a soldier, you should have known him.
Because if things got out of hand, he was going all in.
He was what most of us would call “as real as it gets.”
Whenever we would fall, right there, to give us a lift.
He never judged anyone, or anything they did.
He only gave us a taste of how we all should live.
When he showed you love, it was love for life.
And, when it was time to ride, he always did it right.
Far beyond a soldier, he was a warrior from God.
Now he’s been called to come home to an approving nod.