LaVerne is currently working as a Senior Editor and Freelance Columnist, with nationally published works to include “Love…According to L,” a monthly AOL Black Voices column; and “L’s Motivational Minute,” a monthly motivational women’s column for Soul Sistas She has also interviewed celebrity personalities and written for Upscale
In addition to her tremendous writing talent, LaVerne has been endowed with gifts as a thespian. Her one-woman show, “Why Not Me…A Day in the Life” was debuted on the historic campus of Howard University in Washington, D.C. and met with a very satisfied and emotionally stirred audience. Full of seven rich characters created, developed and portrayed, single-handedly by LaVerne, “Why Not Me…A Day in the Life” is destined to serve as a launching pad for a very talented Ms. Curtis. Additionally, LaVerne has performed in New York City and Atlanta, GA, and has even graced the stage of the Miss Black America Pageant.
Ms. Knight is also a member of a the TimBookTu collaborative group called
Nubian Reign. She writes under the name
YNotMe. Check out her work as part of this group effort.
Her latest venture is her Spotify Podcast, The World According to 'L", where she explores love, life, tragedy, and everything in between. It can also be found on at this link on iHeartRadio.
LaVerne N. Knight is a force to be reckoned with. And with pen to paper, she plans to heal the world.
You can contact Ms. Knight via e-mail at
or by sending an e-mail to
TimBookTu and it will be forwarded.