Look at you black man,
With those big, strong lips
Lips big as two ripe melons.
Face stern, strong and full of struggle
Spirit broken, shoulders weakened, heart bleeding
Oh black man, years have gone by
You look weary, lonely and hurt
Rest your head upon my chest
Skin smooth as butter, hands wide, feet tired, full of passion, lacking
nothing, needing everything
A smile that can light up the night
Teeth oh so white, arms meant to cradle, days gone unnoticed
Oh black man, years have gone by
You look weary, lonely and hurt
Rest your head upon my chest
Knees buckled by the strain, stress and strife of everyday life
Emotions hidden, tears uncried
Stand strong my black man
with your beautiful
nappy, dreaded, curly, braided, twisted, faded
Years have gone by, and it's time to rest