Can I adore myself
Just for a moment
Admire and love me for today
Can I stand in awe of my incredible strength
Just for a moment
Can I marvel at the arch in my back,
and the roundness of my breasts
Can I look at myself in the light that God sees me,
and not with the eyes of self-degradation
Just for a moment
Can I take a minute and praise my worthiness
Quiet the critical voices in my head
And forgive myself
Know that I’m even perfect in my imperfections
Loving on the days I don’t feel loved
If just for a moment
Can I picture myself blissfully happy
with all I could ever imagine
Accept all the goodness that is mine
If just for a moment
Do I dare tap into my power and marry my potential
Just for a moment
I’d like to climb the mountain of self-doubt
Swim through the sea of criticism
And congratulate my inner child
I’d like to embrace my body
Love and nurture it
Better than any man ever could
Appreciate every crease and wrinkle
Just for a moment
Can I tell myself that I am already ENOUGH
Without confirmation or validation from anyone else
Conclude that I am
And even if I only realize this JUST FOR A MOMENT….
my journey has to begin somewhere
And the realization of self-love birthed
If just for a moment