Gregory L. | Towns |
Gregory L. Towns, a freelance writer from the San Francisco Bay Area is a 52 year-old, single African-American male with much relationship experience under his belt. His views on the relationship and dating scene for men over 40 (and Black men in particular) have taken on a humorous flavor. The father of 3 grown children (of which he raised alone), Mr. Towns gives guys a practical look at the problems he has witnessed and/or experienced and how to remedy the situations or at least make them better or keep them from happening again. His tongue-in-cheek style of writing can be taken seriously if you're sincere in your desire to make the connection between Black men and women reach a new high in the success ratings. If you want a fresh look at the male/female relationship, look at it from Mr. Towns' eye view and be prepared to see yourself and laugh in the process.
You can contact Mr. Towns via e-mail at or by sending an e-mail to TimBookTu and it will be forwarded.