Jhahbriel C. E. Moore, Sr.
Jhahbriel's Photo

Jhahbriel C.E. Moore, Sr. is a North Carolinian who thrives on delivering strong inspirational poetic expressions to his brothers and sisters. Day to day living, events, dramas, etc. that stimulate the mind and put to paper.

Jhahbriel is president of Moore 4U Entertainment, LP. This promotion company is fairly new to the Washington DC Metropolitan Area. Moore 4U Entertainment, LP mission is to become the leading independent promotion company in the Atlanta Metropolitan area, catering to new and existing artists, and to be a catalyst for explosive growth in the music and poetry industry. Moore 4U Entertainment differentiates itself by only promoting positive images, parties and powerful poetic lyrics or expressions. Moore 4U prides itself on uplifting the community, delivering positive influences and growth.

You can contact Mr. Moore via e-mail at jhahx@aol.com or by sending an e-mail to TimBookTu and it will be forwarded.

Works on TimBookTu by Jhahbriel C. E. Moore Sr.


After The Dust Has Settled…
Baggage Claim
Don’t Chastise Me
In Love
Matters of Insecurity
My Time
New Season
On The D.L.
Peace Let Go
Pieces of Me
Present In Love
Rest Ain't Easy
Stand in Line
Strange State of Affairs
The Whole of Me
What Gives...

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