Baggage Claim

by Jhahbriel C. E. Moore Sr.

I constantly battle between what’s in my heart
and the walls I have placed in front of me
not allowing love to set me free.

With every act of hurt that has penetrated
my soul, it kept me grounded, never taken flight.
For with the pressure of loving and being in love
A relationship would never be insight.

My baggage has always been with me, 
		weighing me down
			Slowing me down, 
				letting me down.

It stands in circumstance for karma has been its friend
and its enemy, and still always grows inside of me.

Each time I am hurt, each time I am thrown aside, I come off
my high, my flight and my plane…I end up in Baggage Claim.


Baggage Claim by Jhahbriel C. E. Moore Sr.

© Copyright 2006. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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