What Gives…

by Jhahbriel C. E. Moore Sr.

Sistas, what gives you the right
To call me out of my name
When I gave you signs of this

What gives you the right 
To want pity when you knew
I screwed the whole entire

Day in Day out,
Playing you without a doubt.
Yet you want recognition for the
Pain I gave you…..

Shoot, The signs in the beginning
Were nothing but the truth.

I came home when I felt like it,
Even gave you a little bit by bit.
Screened your calls,
Made you climb the walls..
Hell I even let you suck my ……….

So lets stop this game called
You need to stay focused
Always Alert.
To become a victim you must
First be wounded.
Then gain the knowledge
To never become victim to love 

See where you are, is where I have 
Been before.
A cautious dog has had love
At his door.
To be beaten down, misrepresented
Then turn around.
So the next time, he is alert
Never again to be hurt.

Feel me?

What Gives… by Jhahbriel C. E. Moore Sr.

© Copyright 2003. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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