Pieces of Me

by Jhahbriel C. E. Moore Sr.

Pieces of me won’t let go of yesterday
But the whole of me took breath today.
I ran into tomorrow and it stood still.
For my will took flight from fear.

I allowed pain to run from me
and distance myself from moods.
Yet, pieces of me always left
undeniable clues of justifiable 

I loved someone yesterday, and pieces 
of me loved them today. Then a shell
of what I thought could be, shattered to 
reflect tomorrow. 

I am penetrated from all the pieces, amplified
to a journey of undeniable growth.  I learned
that even a piece of me can manipulate the whole
of me and now my pieces are my peace.

Pieces of Me by Jhahbriel C. E. Moore Sr.

© Copyright 2004. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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