Strange State of Affairs

by Jhahbriel C. E. Moore Sr.

My mind plays many ways 
To stay away from today.
When my heart keeps planted
rooted in heaven’s way.

I see an image averaging 
myself through glass.
Uncomfortable, Untamable,
Unreasonable, not sensible.

I want to lie in comfort, awaking
To pleasures unspoken by many
Yet open to my own desires.
Like fire, live wires….electrifying
My soul.

It is a strange state of affairs,
To not know what tomorrow brings,
Yet I open my arms and I spread 
My wings.

Strange State of Affairs by Jhahbriel C. E. Moore Sr.

© Copyright 2004. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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