
by Jhahbriel C. E. Moore Sr.

A desire to speak freely, openly,
Cut off by the hunger to sound off
Like the mighty wind over a cascading 

Sound not heard,
Mistaken identity to taste…..
			…with the exception of feel.

What I desire is perfection,
Granted, openly with acceptance…
			   Who am I?

I see no evil, hear no evil, yet I can feel it
All around me.
I close my own doors and God sees fit
To provide new ones carved without emotions,
Yet sealed with motivations.
			I know who I am…

Stand up, sit down, walk, crawl, slide, elevate
Stimulate the desires you want in life. 
Just know with every action there will always be
Reation .
			Know who you are.


Desires by Jhahbriel C. E. Moore Sr.

© Copyright 2003. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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