Juan Antonio Cordova

Juan Antonio Cordova, is a father of three who resides in New York City. He is also an ordained minister of "The Church the Body of Christ", in NY. His favorite hobbies are reading in general and spending time with his family.

You can contact Rev. Cordova via e-mail at labiblia56@yahoo.com or by sending an e-mail to TimBookTu and it will be forwarded.

Works on TimBookTu by Juan Antonio Cordova


The Black Reed
The Ivory Tower


Autumn Leaves
But, I Have You, My Love
Journey On A Mist
Life's Contrast
Love is an Action, Love is a Verb
My Turtledove
Osama Bin Laden
Polarized by Race
Racial Harmony
Racism's Sword
Seeds of Hate
Spring is in the Air
The Colorless Race
The Dream Lives On
The Ebony Chest by the Sea
The Unshackled Race
Under the Sun
Valentine's Day Vows


Racism Examined and Rejected
The Dawning of a Legacy
The Nation Which Shall Never Be

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