The Unshackled Race

by Juan Antonio Cordova

A race, a beautifull race; like your race;
subjugated to servility and shame.
And because of the multitude of oppressions she cries out;
she cries out for help because of the arm of the Mighty.

Shackled for her color; shackled for its race;
shackled are the feeble,the aged and the brave.
But the songs of her oppressors will dimish and die;
her character and its content will surely be dignified.

Her attributes lies beyong the color her skin;
it dwells in the santuary of every soul on the earth.
Although her blood and tears has softened the globe;
the key for her fetters will quiet her sobs.

In the beginning of time a gloden key was hid;
a key destined to set the captives free.
This key has been unveiled for every eye to see.
It can open every lock: !You are freed, indeed!

An autonomous lineage, a new race was birthed;
the chains has been shattered; an unshackled race;
of every tongue and culture; no longer the same.

Her mourning has turned into dancing;
and her tears have dried and are gone.
Her fears have turned to courage.
Her people and those around it forever will be amazed;
to see the nations beholding: The unshackled race.

I dedicate this poem to all my brothers and sisters of afro-american descent; and to all who can identify with its content.

The Unshackled Race by Juan Antonio Cordova

© Copyright 2000. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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