Valentine's Day Vows

by Juan Antonio Cordova

Vows of our wedding day whril through my mind;

As I wisper tenderly in your ears: I love you;

Love chiseled in the chamber of my heart,

Eve has come; two reflections twined.

No more winters, no more summers; eternal spring is here;

Trees and orchards; budding; yield their scent ;

I s my beloved delighting in treasures the heart cannot conceive?

No matter what happens in all life's deception; the vows; my dear

E nchanted by my darling's beauty mere eyes can'not discern,

Songs unheard by angels, such are reserved for us;

Drowning our fears in bottomless oceans;

Always remenbering our love as fairy tale page forever unturned

Yearning to relive the vows we made on valentine's day.

Valentine's Day Vows by Juan Antonio Cordova

© Copyright 1999. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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