Karen | Talley |
Karen Talley was born in Evanston, Illinois but was raised in South Carolina. She has been writing poetry, songs, and short stories for fifteen years. Her poem, "I Looked Beyond My Darkness", was published in the Spring 2000 edition of Rhapsody In Black Magazine. Her work can also be found on the Blackreality, Blaqueimage, and Vibrantnet websites. Her goal is to publish a book of poetry.
Talley says "Thanks for all of the Timbooktu readers who have written me and have offered genuine praise for my work. I would also like to especially thank Zamounde Allie for supporting me and motivating me. Thanks to Timbooktu for the opportunity you have given me to express myself. I would appreciate hearing from all of you!"
You can contact Ms. Talley to comment on her work by sending an e-mail to karletta_2000@yahoo.com or by sending an e-mail to TimBookTu and it will be forwarded.