I Looked Beyond My Darkness

by Karen Talley

I looked beyond my darkness
And discovered a mind so deep
I could swim in it.  A power wide and steep
Rose from inside me.  A joy I couldn't keep
Overcame me and made me weep.
I never would have known
Had I not looked beyond my darkness.

I looked beyond my darkness
And discovered they'd told me lies
About how beautiful I was.  They hid their eyes
When I walked into a room.  Their true feelings were disguised.
I had no idea I was such a prize.
I never would have known
Had I not looked beyond my darkness.

I looked beyond my darkness
And discovered I was a queen
With courage unsurpassed.  The world had never seen
Someone so fiesty and smart.  I'm so beautiful and clean.
Nothing about me is dirty or obscene.
I never would have known
Had I not looked beyond my darkness.

I Looked Beyond My Darkness by Karen Talley

© Copyright 1998. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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