I Knew

by Karen Talley

I knew from the day we met
You did not want a commitment
Yet I fooled myself into believing
One minute with me and you would see
That I was worth settling down
I knew when you first spoke my name
That you were a player, all about game
Yet I fooled myself into believing
One minute with me and you would see
That I was worth settling down
I knew when I first tasted your lips
That all you would give me was companionship
Yet I fooled myself into believing
One minute with me and you would see
That I was worth settling down
I knew when we first laid down
That you had other ladies all around town
Yet I fooled myself into believing
One minute with me and you would see
That I was worth settling down
But it's only sixty-one seconds and you're already gone

I Knew by Karen Talley

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