Unique Verses
Antoinette's Photo

Unique Verses is the pen name for Antoinette Heather Jones. She was born and raised in New Jersey where she started writing at the age of 12. Known by her close friends and family as Heather or "Hev" she is the founder and moderator of Yahoo! Groups : PoeticallyPotent where fellow poets are encouraged to post short stories, poems, or essays to express themselves. Currently she is working on publishing her first book of poetry. She is a very friendly, and approachable especially when it comes to her poetry.

You can contact Ms. Jones via e-mail at Dynasty5683@aol.com or by sending an e-mail to TimBookTu and it will be forwarded.

Works on TimBookTu by Unique Verses


All I Ask Is This...
Her Name Is Scripture
His Kiss Is Like Fire
I Am A Poet
If I Were A Rose
Poetic Wasteland
This Is For My People

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