Shawn Fugett

Shawnrenee' Fugett, pen name Legacy, is working on a collection of poetry to be published in 2007. She is working on a non-fiction inspirational work also entitled On the Brink of Despair and has committed this year to improving her craft and appearing at Spoken Word venues as her schedule allows. Visit her webpage, to hear her read her anthem poem, "God Has Anointed Me Queen."

You can contact Ms. Fugett via e-mail at or by sending an e-mail to TimBookTu and it will be forwarded.

Works on TimBookTu by Shawn Fugett/Evangelist/Legacy


A Daughter Without Her Father
Elbow Grease
Finally Free
God Has Anointed Me Queen
He's Got Strong Hands
Mass Murderer
My Son Turned 21 Today
Speak The Word
The Message Was Tainted
What You Could Have Been

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