Robin Price

Robin Price is 23 years old and a graduating Senior at the University of the District of Columbia. She started writing at the age of 13, and just went on from there until she got to the point that she wanted to share her work with others. She is a TV Productions Major and she enjoys reading, writing, working on film projects and just being creative in all aspects. She says "I love to sing and give God the praise in all I do. I am currently working on my first book of poetry and inspirational thoughts."

You can contact Ms. Price via e-mail at or by sending an e-mail to TimBookTu and it will be forwarded.

Works on TimBookTu by Robin Price


Aren't You Glad He Is So Good?
My Father
No Love for Ya
Part II: Still No Love for Ya
Precious Gift
Red She-Devil
Soul Mate
Stealing Moments
The Anointed One
We Danced

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