Aren't You Glad He Is So Good?

by Robin Price

Breathe in tranquil breezes of the day
and the cool aromas of the midnight hours,
Aren't you glad He gave you 
His sense of smell?
Look into the eyes of a lover lost in dreams
Purged by emotions locked away by sweet Memories,
Aren't you glad He gave you His eyes to see and Heart to feel?
Taste raindrops falling from the sky so Delicate yet strong enough
To penetrate lifeless surfaces to bring forth Life at its purest form.
Aren't you glad He gave you His hunger
and Taste for the finer things in life?
Embrace the inward parts of your very soul to Appreciate the outward
and Love every bit and piece that make up YOU.
Aren't you glad He loved YOU enough to create YOU out of his image?

Aren't You Glad He Is So Good? by Robin Price

© Copyright 2002. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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