No Love for Ya

by Robin Price

Has my mind gone crazy over you,
Boggling with cement memories I just cannot break.
I loved the taste of your honey sweet lips,
'Twas like that feeling I got
when we exploded in each other's arms.
Uh! you told me many a times you loved me,
Those words were as cold as a wet dream long forgotten.
For you had many bees buzzing to taste
Your nectar.
You allowed yourself to be that honey-comb spreading your
Wealth to whomever, whenever
Your love is no longer wanted, expired, forgotten
No sympathy for someone so 
You see I could have been that Queen Bee tasting all your nectar,
And you tasting mine.
You thought you could have your cake, honey, 
Chocolate, vanilla and eat it too,
I got no love for ya boo.

No Love for Ya by Robin Price

© Copyright 1999. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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