My Father

by Robin Price

Seem like it was just yesterday
That your angelic voice brushed my eardrum
And bought tears to my eyes;
Your powerful yet gentle
To my feelings,
You had me all thought out and you knew
Just when to approach me, 
Like a father admiring his daughter once a mere
Babe now all grown up and able to understand And interpret life better.
The funny thing was even though I had never Seen your face,
You were so familiar and your precious touch Was so comforting.
You have many children all over the world,
But you made me feel like I am your 
When my biological wouldn't dare,
You were there and really did care.
When love lost its jones, 
You cried with me and took me back to
Bittersweet memories in my life when
There was just me and you.
I love the time we spend together
And I never get tired of your 
Lord, your love I can share with
So many,
But for now as these tears flow from
Pure happiness
I rest in you.

My Father by Robin Price

© Copyright 2002. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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