Christopher J. Holmes
Chris's Photo

Christopher J. Holmes is a licensed minister and Spoken Word Artist. Born and raised in Montgomery, Alabama, he began writing about his life experiences at an early age and has come to believe it is his destiny to uplift the spirits of a confused world.

Through Poetry, Holmes reaches out to God's people to tell them, they are not alone in the way they feel and cope with every day situations, such as sex, depression, oppression, suicide, love, domestic abuse, marriage, relationships, black-on-black crime, social issues, and spirituality..

His poetry won't only give you an up close and personal look at who Christopher J. Holmes is, but you may even find your own self wedged between his poetic lines of what it's like being a Man of God but yet still coping with being a man in the flesh.

For more information about Christopher J. Holmes, his published work, and his ministry, visit

You can contact Mr. Holmes via e-mail at or by sending an e-mail to TimBookTu and it will be forwarded.

Works on TimBookTu by Christopher J. Holmes


Be A Father
My Life
Pulpit Hypocrites
She Loves Trash
The Death Of Me
The New KKK
The Projects
The Race Card
Turning The Other Cheek

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