The Projects

by Christopher J. Holmes

They call me a villain 
‘Cause I grab my gun and start killin’ my own kind 
The sun don’t shine where I’m from 
Nothing but dreary days and 
A grayish haze 

Yet y’all all amazed and dazed 
At why I’m crazed at this life I live 
That‘s why I kill! 
I was raised with killers and drug dealers 
I saw my mother’s head hit the door 
before she hit the floor 
With a bruised eye and a cracked wrist 

All done by my father’s fist 
Say I’m going to hell 
But I’m already here 

Surrounded by fear 
I drop a tear 
Crack open a beer 
And try to steer clear of trouble 
In the rubble they call the 

The Projects by Christopher J. Holmes

© Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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