Where is the white man in black neighborhoods that cause young black children
to run around half-dressed with runny noses and sagging diapers because they haven’t been changed all day...
Where is he?
Where is the white man in black neighborhoods that cause young black men
to stand on the corner and profit from the destruction of his own people through illegal drug sales…
Where is he?
Where is the white man in black neighborhoods that cause repeated break-ins and bullets
that fly from drive-by shootings…
Where is he?
Where is the white man in black neighborhoods that cause young black women
to continuously have more children just to increase their welfare benefits…
Where is he?
Where is the white man in black neighborhoods that cause filthy streets,
broken down cars in yards, abandoned boarded-up houses, and drastic drops in property value…
Where is he?
Le us now understand
It’s never been about the “white man”
For the destruction we now face is done
By our own hand