Lorna J. Wilson

Lorna Jackie Wilson says her greatest passion is to write. She says, "I was inspired to write at the age of 16. I find writing as a venue to express one's deepest most thoughts, convictions, aspirations or dreams. The diversity of language is so profound and unique that it is always rewarding to find creative expressions in literary art among gifted authors all over the world. It is truly uplifting and can be informative as well as thought-provoking."

Lorna has lived in Michigan all of her life. She has a beautiful family that supports her writing and encourages its continuance. Lorna says, "My family is such an inspiration to me in all of my endeavors and I am not surprised to see their gifts of writing when they present them to me. I encourage their unique talent and they have always encouraged mine."

Lorna works in the educational capacity at a local school district and has earned a Master's degree in Information Technology. She often utilizes graphic design to bring literary art to life. She says, "But more importantly, I find myself in awe, as I watch God organize my thoughts and convey those things that I could never do alone. My prayer is to inspire someone ... in some way... in an area where they need it most."

You can contact Ms. Wilson via e-mail at ljackiew@hotmail.com or by sending an e-mail to TimBookTu and it will be forwarded.

Works on TimBookTu by Lorna J. Wilson


A Tragedy
Black Butterfly
Brown Brother
Strong Black Woman
The Natural Order
The Power of One

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