A Tragedy

by Lorna J. Wilson

    Is this a dream?  It can't be true.  A tragic scene's come into view.

  Terror unfolds before my eyes, my breath intakes, to hear their cries.

 A sense of comfort, fully shaken as boeing jets sear through the nation.

  It brings to mind the Harbor, "Pearl", as well this day impacts the world.

 The peace we know is surly broken. Lives are lost; and words unspoken.

   An eerie crack of crumbling walls, a senseless act, unjust in cause.

The search for loved ones, name by name, pursuit for justice we proclaim.

 Is Hope in tune?  Our heart's true song, for liberty stands tall and strong.

     A precious sight, a gift to hold as love unites to heal the souls.

We bow our heads in total silence.  We pray for peace amidst the violence.

         A devastating tragedy _ to lose so much in history.

          A havoc that can't be undone on this sad day of "9-1-1"

A Tragedy by Lorna J. Wilson

© Copyright 2001. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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