D.L. Teamor
D.L.'s Photo

"The delight in finishing your 1st book is like falling in love the 1st time. Writing your favorite is like meeting your soulmate." ~D. L. Teamor~

Dr. D. L. Teamor is a pastor, author and founder of Calvary House, a 501c3 established to support US soldiers. She has eight published books, and is currently working on her ninth title.

Holding a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, an MBA, a Ph.D. in Business Marketing, and a second Doctorate in Systematic Theology, Dr. Teamor started her career at age 19 at International Business Machines (IBM) as a computer tech. She eventually became Midwest Region Operations Coordinator, and over the next fifteen years, she held positions in such organizations as the Detroit Public Schools, Achip Technologies and Honda International. Her experience crosses the educational, technological, automotive, real estate and mortgage industries.

She is a member of the American Christian Fiction Writers, the National Writers Union, Indie Author Network, the NAACP, Amnesty International, MI Women Marketplace and the Military Officers Association of America. She serves on multiple boards including the National Board of Directors for Non-profit Spark Radio.

Dr. Teamor was included in the 2nd Edition of Who's Who in Black Detroit, Who's Who Among America's Teachers and is the recipient of multiple awards and recognitions. She also hosted TCT's, "Public Report" and has been a regular guest on the network's, "Ask the Pastor."

She gives all thanks and praise to Jesus Christ, and knows that she has been tremendously blessed because of Him. She lives daily by her favorite Scripture, "Be careful for nothing, but in all things, through prayer and supplication and with thanksgiving, make your requests known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7.

You can contact Dr. Teamor via e-mail at author.dlteamor@gmail.com or by sending an e-mail to TimBookTu and it will be forwarded.

Works on TimBookTu by D.L. Teamor


African Beauty
A Song For Hattie
Black Brother
I Move Like Africa
My Eden Is in You
Tribute to Them and Me
What is Black?

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