Joyce Rogers

Joyce Rogers is 43 years old. As a child, her mother wrote and read poetry to her. The talent that her mother had as a poet is now held in Joyce's hand. She writes with clarity, compassion and with depth, due to her relationship with the Author of Life. Joyce has walked many paths in life and experienced a lot of things in a short period of time. By the time she was 22, she was an alcoholic, pot head and was selling pot to support her habits. At age 23 she met her knight in shining armor, James Rogers. He not only led her down the aisle, but he led her to Jesus. She has been married to both of them for 20 years and have two boys and one girl.

You can contact Ms. Rogers via e-mail at or visit her web page, A Black Sista's Thang!

Works on TimBookTu by Joyce Rogers


Ain't Nuthin' Like A Dark Skinned Man
A Pure Pen
Before My Candle Goes Out
Don't Sell Your Sister...My Brother
He Cries In A Secret Place
I Can't Stay Mad At Cha Baby!
I Will Not Awake Love Before It's Time
Sista...You Better Mind Your House
The Dirty Dozens
The Fires of Yesterday
They Heard Our Song In The Night

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