
Rajbir Parmar a.k.a Raj-Beer is an inspiration to the world. He takes on corrupt corporations, challenges wrongdoers and punishes transgressors while defending the needy. Through his words, he takes readers and listeners on emotional journeys. He is not afraid to speak what he feels and is known to get very emotional and conscious. His poetry has been published in numerous websites and newspapers. Though he doesn't have his own book yet, he hopes to complete one in the near future. All those who support Raj-Beer should pick up Frozen Stare, a book done by fellow poet Oneal Walters. Raj-Beer currently lives in Toronto in the same neighborhood he has lived in all his life.

You can contact Raj-Beer via e-mail at dirtyraj@hotmail.com or by sending an e-mail to TimBookTu and it will be forwarded.

Works on TimBookTu by Raj-Beer


Brittle Bones
Education with Oneal Walters
Tick Tock
What If I Was Famous Next Year? with Oneal Walters

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