Dynah Jaysa Zale
Dynah's Photo

Dynah Zale is a proud Jersey girl who knows that all things are possible through Christ. Her first book Drama in the Church (which is loosely based on her life) is due for release in February 2006. Dynah’s book details the lives of four young Christian women and how their faith in God is repeatedly being tested by deception, fornication and adultery. Through her book Dynah sends a message of hope to the unsaved. She states, "Yes, it’s true. Even Christian’s sin. The only difference is how they respond to that sin."

You can contact Ms. Zale via e-mail at Dynah.Zale@comcast.net or by sending an e-mail to TimBookTu and it will be forwarded.

Works on TimBookTu by Dynah Jaysa Zale


Enoch - First Fruits
Skeletons In My Closet (book excerpt)
Trust Me - Part I
Trust Me - Part II


I Scream
The 24 Year-Old Orphan

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