The 24 Year-Old Orphan

by Dynah Jaysa Zale

I will always remember

That rainy Sunday morning

I discovered

I was an orphan


Tired and bored, I sat on my living room floor;

reluctantly fishing around inside a large brown

box that belonged to my mother -- stuff of hers

I inherited after her death. 


Inside I found a withered Polaroid of us together 

Our eyes diamonds sparkled with happiness

A single mother embraced her only child

Back to the box, I searched for more pleasant memories.


A business size manila envelope leapt into my hands

The words "Confidential" held my attention. 

Inside. Documents. Paternity Test Results.

My name. My father's name. 

"Final Conclusion = Negative."


Confusion and clarity struggled within me.

Confusion asked Why? Why wasn't I ever told?

Clarity explained why my father didn't attend mother's funeral.

I crushed the results in my hand. 


I can never forget 

That rainy Sunday morning

I found out

I was an orphan

The 24 Year-Old Orphan by Dynah Jaysa Zale

© Copyright 2006. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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