Sophia Sewell-Ba

Sophia Sewell-Ba is 33 years old and a mother of 5. She has a degree in Geography and is an Adult Education Teacher. She teaches African Holistic Education, a course which she created herself. She resides in London, England.

She was inspired to write the poem "Spiritwalk" in 1997, after reflecting on photographs which she had taken in The Gambia 1996.

You can contact Ms. Sewell-Ba via e-mail at or by sending an e-mail to TimBookTu and it will be forwarded.

Works on TimBookTu by Sophia Sewell-Ba


An Ancestral Spirit Speaks
An Important Meeting With Her
Goddess Black Woman
Imagine This
I Need The Sun
I Shall Remember The Congo
I Stand Firm!
It Takes Courage You Know!
Let's Capture Bliss
Looking For Work
Mystic Man
Oh, What A World In Confusion
Shattered Ego
The A-Z Infatuation and Love
Too Much Apathy Struggling With Identity
Twists and Turns of Life
We're Africans
Why Do You Want To Persecute The Man?
Why You Want Fi Bleach Up Your Skin?
Winnie Mandela
You Want To Rule Me!

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