It Takes Courage You Know!

by Sophia Sewell-Ba

It  takes courage you know!
To rectify mistakes
To avoid heartaches
To act to innuendoes 

It takes courage you know!
To confront your tears
Overcome your fears
To pull yourself up
When the going gets tough!

It  takes courage you know!
To go with the flow
To stand your ground
When people ridicule you
With their distorted vision
 Of  tell-a-lie-vision !

It  takes courage you know!
To know all that you fear
Will eventually disappear
As you strive to make success
Out of nothing more or less!

It takes determination you know!
To make your dreams come true
You Know something 
It’ s all up to you  
So go with the flow 
And see where you go
It takes courage you know!

It Takes Courage You Know! by Sophia Sewell-Ba

© Copyright 2002. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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