Let's Capture Bliss

by Sophia Sewell-Ba

In the midst of the night,
When all is quiet,
For the moment is an abyss,
Let's capture bliss.

When the wind is whistling,
And all is constant,
In the sound of the wind,
Let's capture bliss.

When anxiety has reached the heights of despair,
And all that you fear has reached its precipice,
Lets Capture bliss.

When your all alone,
And close to the Lord of Creation,
Let's capture bliss.

A solace state which heals the turmoil,
You've conquered bliss,
Consistency,patience, forebearance,
Let's capture bliss.

For the highest heights of bliss is in paradise,
Working towards paradise,
While you're still on earth,
Let's capture bliss.

For sanctuary is peace of mind,
When dawn beckons
And bird song sings in chorus with the wind,
A new day of hope is born,
Allah's creation is bound to capture bliss.   

Lets Capture Bliss by Sophia Sewell-Ba

© Copyright 2000. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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