Malkiese Paythress

Malkiese Paythress states :"To know... Throughout all of life's madness, art has stayed in my blood and remained the influence I've needed to cope with life properly. Visual artistic expression is normally my preferred means of communication. Poetry has always been a strong part of my voice as well. Freeform street art is my personal entrance into expressing myself publicly. Through the years, my thoughts, feelings and opinions have matured, organized and developed along with my artistic output. I continue to hold on to the freedom that art originally gave me, and I try to reflect it in my work the best I can, whenever possible. All art is influential, but my soul is off-centered instinctively. Abstrak, urban, consep2all, poetik best describes the energy I release to the universe travelling through nature..."

He resides in Cleveland, OH. You can find out more about him at:

You can contact Mr. Paythress via e-mail at or by sending an e-mail to TimBookTu and it will be forwarded.

Works on TimBookTu by Malkiese Paythress


As I Explode
Completing My Mission
Lucasville Blues

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