TimBookTu FAQ/Help Page

Submitting Your Work

Interacting With Other Writers

Other Site Resources

If your question has not been addressed here, please contact the editor at (editor@timbooktu.com).

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

How do I submit my work to TimBookTu?

There are three ways to send it:

(1)You can submit your work by using the TimBookTu Submission Entry Form, which is the preferred method. (2) via e-mail to editor@timbooktu.com. (3) Your work can also be sent on disk via regular mail.

If you use methods 2 or 3, please refer to the Submission Guidelines for more detailed instructions.

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How many submissions can I send to TimBookTu?

You can submit as many submissions as you like but the recommended amount is 3-5 submissisons per posting period. The editor will consider your submissions based on the total number of all submissions received for that posting period and consider the additional ones for the following posting period.

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When will my work appear on the site?

Your work will usually appear on the site at the next regular posting if you submit before that posting date's deadline and if it is selected for posting.

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How long will my work stay on the site?

Submissions will stay in the active area of the Table of Contents for 6 months.  After that time they are added to the Archives.  After one year, they can be found on the author's page. If you want to find a particular work or topic, you can use the Search box in the upper right hand of the page. It will search through all pages on the TimBookTu site.

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How do I edit or make changes to work already posted on the site?

You can send all changes to the editor at (editor@timbooktu.com). Be sure to indicate what needs to be changed if there are minor changes. For major revisions, it may be best to resubmit the entire piece.

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How do I add my biographical info and/or picture after I have already submitted my work?

You can e-mail your biographical information or changes to existing info to the editor at (editor@timbooktu.com) Photos can also be sent to the same e-mail.

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How is the Featured Writer selected?

To find out how the featured writer is selected each month, refer to the Featured Writer Criteria.

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Why wasn't my work posted with the latest group of submissions?

Submissions that are selected are posted on a first-come, first-served basis. However, depending on the number of submissions received prior to the posting date, some may be held until the next posting period. If there is a problem with your submission, it may be held until the issue is resolved. You will typically receive a notification from the editor if there is a problem with your submission.

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Why wasn't my work accepted for posting?

Submissions deemed to be too explicit, pornographic, too violent, racist or hate-filled, or any work considered distasteful by the Advisory Committee, will be refused for publication. Submissions that contain excessive profanity or sexual content that has no artistic merit may also be refused. You will receive a notification explaining why it was not accepted. Submissions that contain numerous typos, syntax errors, or other grammatical mistakes are returned to the author for revision and can be resubmitted.

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I received an e-mail saying my work is on the site, but I still can't find it. What should I do?

All new submissions are posted on the Table of Contents page and are listed by the most recent group first with the new contributors first, followed by the returning contributors. Every now and then a problem with finding the new work may be because you have not refreshed your browser page (or cache) on your computer, especially if you have visited the site recently. If you still can't locate your work and you received word from the editor that it was posted, please contact the editor and let him know that you are still unable to locate it.

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Will I be paid for the work I submitted?

Unfortunately, payment cannot be made for the work submitted to the site. The site does not charge a fee and has very limited resources. Thus payment cannot be made. Your work is still available to be submitted to other sites.

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Once I submit my work, do I still have the rights to it? Will my work be sold to other sites?

When you submit your work to TimBookTu, you are granting the site one-time rights to publish it on the website. You retain all other rights to your work. Your work will not be sold to another site. Any requests to use your work will be forwarded to you for you to grant permission to the requestor. Visit the Terms of Use and Privacy page for more information.

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What is the Author's ID Code and why is it needed?

The Author's ID Code is used to facilitate the editing process. It isn't used for any other purpose. It can be found on the List of Authors Page by hovering your mouse over the name and the code will be in the green box.

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How can I find the name of a particular author on the site?

An index of the current authors with work on the site can be found on the TimBookTu List of Authors Page. You can also use the Search Box in the upper righthand corner of this page to search for an author.

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Where can I find the e-mail address for the author of a particular work?

The e-mail address for the author is found on each author's bio page. If you can't locate it or they don't have an e-mail address shown, you can send your comments or questions to the editor at (editor@timbooktu.com) and it will be forwarded.

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Is there a place I can interact with or discuss writing with other writers?

TimBookTu has a Facebook Page where interaction with other writers can be accomplished. You can also follow TimBookTu on Twitter. See the links at the top of the page.

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Is there a guestbook or somewhere I can make comments?

TimBookTu has a Facebook Page where comments can be made. You can also follow TimBookTu on Twitter and tweet your comments. See the links at the top of this page.

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How can I get my book featured on the Books by TimBookTu Contributor's Page?

If you have work already featured on TimBookTu and wish to have your book added to the Books by TimBookTu Contributor's Page. Books are linked to the Amazon.com website. If your book is not in the Amazon.com database or you wish to have buyers purchase directly from you, you should send info on how to purchase your book to (editor@timbooktu.com).

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How can I get my work published? How can I get a copy of TimBookTu?

TimBookTu publishes on-line only. TimBookTu does not print a copy of its contents. However, there is an anthology of selected works by TimBookTu writers that is available for sale. Visit the TimBookTu Anthology page for purchase information.

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How can I be notified of changes on TimBookTu?

Changes and updates are found in the "What's New" section. Other news and information will be disseminated via Facebook and Twitter.