Traveling the Distance

by Tameko Barnette & Trina Williams-Emigh

Pondering the years between yesterday and today
Has me wondering about friendships
The ones that somehow have quietly gone astray
And the others that have kept pace with time
For no reason
No rhyme
Just two souls spiritually intertwined
And we pick up where last we left 
For there is nothing that threatens theft
Not even life
And no words need be spoken
Cause that which wasn't broken
Doesn't need to be fixed
So our paths do not need to cross
For us to remain connected
Pondering the years between today and tomorrow
Has me wondering about loved ones
The ones that often feed off of one's sorrow
And the others who encourage with every hug
For no reason
No rhyme
Just two spirits Heavenly divined
And we mend old wounds with peace
For now is the time to forgive and release
No holding back
And no hurt need be taken
Cause hearts are no longer breakin'
It is finally all fixed
So our paths do not need to cross
For our unions remain resurrected

Traveling the Distance by Tameko Barnette and Trina Williams-Emigh

© Copyright 2010. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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