To Whom It May Concern

by Tameko L. Barnette & Trina Williams-Emigh

Who is this person
that sees a black woman
and doesn't understand?
Who is this person
that can't comprehend
my divine righteous plan?

Whoi s this person
that speaks cruelty
to my heart and soul?
Who is this person
that seeks to destroy
all that I behold?

Who is this person
that sees my honor
then steals my glory?
Who is this person
that discovers my history
then rewrites the story?

Who is this person?
Who do you see?
To whom it may concern
it sure as hell ain't me.

To Whom It May Concern by Tameko L. Barnette & Trina Williams-Emigh

© Copyright 1999. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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