Finishing the Game (Game Over)

by Trina Williams-Emigh & the Gaptoothbrotha

I'm not going to drown in this water
that you've pushed me in
Though you want me to sink
I intend to swim
You play games
as if we were children
But I'm going to man up,
a pace ahead
Sorry, I'm no pawn
Yet, I can play game
And before you know it
I'll end up winning this race
as you trail behind
Cause believe me,
I'll damn sure cross the finish line
Get on your mark
I'm gone
I watch and wait for your mistake
I've studied you
Since I was in chains
Your confidence undermines
your ability to see the move I have made
will be your undoing
Your moves are predictable
I wait
Wait, for the right moment
to strike
With a quickens I move
With no mercy
It's over

Finishing the Game (Game Over) by Trina Williams-Emigh & Gaptoothbrotha

© Copyright 2002. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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