
by Zhakea

good God ...

    that you are
and i sit next to a sheet of paper
admiring your godliness -- wanting to etch

to try and capture your essence,
your manliness on paper, on something --
    to have you in some form --
    some way -- so that I could keep it.

but what i drew - for i did draw -
    pen to paper
    pencil to hand
hand poised
    i drew...
fingers moving
    i drew.. and i came up with nothing

mind steady racing
and moving
closer to the final art of you
    what I got as my mind was racing
    was nothing
but a glimpse of you
    betwixt my fingers -- a tiny puff
    of air.

This portrait has no lines,
no shape, no form nor figure -- no face.
I can feel your lips smile...

all that composes my picture is
some mental force and energy -- that
defined the mass of energy that makes up you.

a thought...
a wish...
my prayer..

yet, this formless shape represents you, perfect,
that you are...
the perfect man...
yet whole, and very much real.

standing, standing, standing,
i can see you standing
    in front of me,
in this portrait of mine,
    in my mind.

Portrait by Zhakea

© Copyright 2000. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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